Pedro de Vasconcellos Oporto

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Pedro de Vasconcellos Oporto

Pedro de Vasconcellos Oporto joined E3 in 2022 and will support E3’s work in resource planning. Mr. Oporto came to E3 after earning a Master’s in Technology and Policy from MIT. There his research focused on climate and energy, focusing on the role of investors. Before arriving at MIT, Mr. Oporto obtained a Bachelor’s in Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering.

After working in climate adaptation projects on the ground while also exploring the strategic perspectives of investors on climate risk, Pedro felt the need to work in energy consulting in a place like E3. What drives Pedro to this work is the power of the stakeholders in the energy sector. He wants to support their efforts towards significant decarbonization targets while ensuring economic development along with reliable and affordable energy resources.

Outside of his professional life, Pedro’s energy goes to playing team sports, biking, or skiing in New England, sailing through the Charles River, cooking food for dinner parties, or playing board games.

Education: MS, Technology and Policy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; BS, Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Energy Storage Market Update and Long Duration Storage Study | Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, 2023

In collaboration with the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) and Department of Energy Resources (DOER), E3 conducted a study that assesses the current state of energy storage in the Commonwealth, the market outlook for emerging mid- and long-duration storage (LDES) technologies, and potential applications of mid- and long-duration storage, all in the context of providing benefits to ratepayers and achieving the state’s ambitious decarbonization goals.

The study included several modeling and stakeholder engagement elements. Leveraging E3’s pro forma financial model of storage technology costs and a custom-built storage dispatch model, the project team analyzed several storage use cases to help the state understand impacts of current incentive programs. Assessment of future storage value involved loss-of-load probability modeling of the entire ISO-NE footprint using E3’s RECAP model. E3 engaged stakeholders throughout the study process through interviews with more than 50 key stakeholders and two public stakeholder workshops. In the study, E3 shows that the role of energy storage changes to suit grid needs, but that storage requires well-designed state support to encourage deployment and innovation that targets these needs. In addition to writing a report providing study findings, the team worked with DOER to translate findings into policy recommendations for the state.

Read the detailed project description.


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