Arne leads E3’s Bulk Energy Infrastructure practice helping clients navigate changes to bulk electric system operations and investment needs brought about by increasing policy and market interest in clean and renewable energy production. He has led a number of landmark studies of the feasibility and cost of achieving deep decarbonization and high renewable penetration goals for electric utilities, including studies of 100% renewable and net zero energy systems in New England, California, the Pacific Northwest and the Midwest. Arne has also led the development of E3’s industry-leading resource planning software including the RESOLVE model that develops optimal portfolios of renewable, conventional and energy storage resources and the RECAP model that calculates Loss-of-Load Probability and related statistics to ensure that power systems can meet load reliably under high renewable penetrations.
Arne has 25 years of experience in energy analysis, and he is a frequent speaker at energy conferences on the role renewable energy will play in decarbonizing the grid. His clients include utilities, asset owners, market operators, government agencies and environmental organizations. Prior to joining E3 in 2002, he served for six years in the Energy Policy Division of the Washington State Energy Office and its successor agencies.
Education: MS, international energy management and policy, University of Pennsylvania and the Institut Français du Pétrole; BS, statistics, and BS, mathematical sciences, University of Washington
- Consequential Impacts of Voluntary Clean Energy Procurement
- How targeted electrification can support a managed transition for the gas system
- Resilience in planning: Its relationship to Reliability and a practical implementation guide
- The Economics of Electrification in Nova Scotia
- Every load an island: Requiring hourly matching of clean electricity purchases would raise emissions
- Assessment of Market Reform Options to Enhance Reliability of the ERCOT System
- Analysis of Hourly & Annual GHG Emissions: Accounting for Hydrogen Production
- Rate Design for the Energy Transition: Getting the Most out of Flexible Loads on a Changing Grid
- Machine learning derived dynamic operating reserve requirements in high-renewable power systems
- Capacity and Reliability Planning in the Era of Decarbonization
- BPA Lower Snake River Dams Power Replacement Presentation
- BPA Lower Snake River Dams Power Replacement Study
- Electricity Resource Compensation Under a Net Zero Future
- Resource Adequacy in the Desert Southwest
- Quantifying the Air Quality Impacts of Decarbonization and Distributed Energy Programs in California
- Societal Cost Test Impact Evaluation: CPUC Staff Report on the Impact of a Societal Cost Test on Resource Procurement
- Hydrogen Opportunities in a Low-Carbon Future: An Assessment of Long-Term Market Potential in the Western United States
- The Load-Serving Entity Reliability Obligation: A Market Design Reform to Ensure Electric Reliability in Texas
- Scalable Markets for the Energy Transition: A Blueprint for Wholesale Electricity Market Reform
- Net-Zero New England: Ensuring Electric Reliability in a Low-Carbon Future
- Least Cost Carbon Reduction Policies in PJM
- Pacific Northwest Zero-Emitting Resources Study: Executive Summary
- Pacific Northwest Zero-Emitting Resources Study
- Xcel Energy Low Carbon Scenario Analysis: Decarbonizing the Generation Portfolio of Xcel Energy’s Upper Midwest System
- For a Smart Transition to 100% Clean Energy: Renewables, Storage and, in Some Cases, New Gas
- Minnesota Energy Storage Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Capacity Needs of the Pacific Northwest – 2019 to 2030
- The Economic Value of Offshore Wind Power in California
- Long-Run Resource Adequacy Under Deep Decarbonization Pathways for California
- Resource Adequacy in the Pacific Northwest
- The Future of Electricity Resource Planning
- Investigating the Economic Value of Flexible Solar Power Plant Operation
- National Grid_2018 Pacific NW Scenarios and Sensitivities_Final Report
- Climate Solutions_2018 Pacific NW Scenarios and Sensitivities_Final Report
- Public Generating Pool_2018 Pacific NW Scenarios and Sensitivities_Final Report
- Pacific Northwest Low Carbon Scenario Analysis – Technical Report
- Pacific Northwest Low Carbon Scenario Analysis
- 2025 California Demand Response Potential Study: Charting California’s Demand Response Future
- Natural Gas Infrastructure Adequacy: An Electric System Perspective
- Renewable curtailment as a power system flexibility resource
- Long-Term Natural Gas Infrastructure Needs
- Capital Cost Review of Power Generation Technologies: Recommendations for WECC’s 10- and 20-Year Studies
- Merit-order effects of day-ahead wind generation forecast in the hydro-rich Pacific Northwest
- SB 350 Evaluation and Plan: Renewable Energy Portfolio Analysis
- Merit-order effects of renewable energy and price divergence in California’s day-ahead and real-time electricity markets
- APS Energy Imbalance Market Participation: Economic Benefits Assessment
- Comparative Analysis of Western EIM and NWPP MC Intra-Hour Energy Market Options
- NV Energy‐ISO Energy Imbalance Market Economic Assessment
- PacifiCorp-ISO Energy Imbalance Market Benefits
- Benefits Analysis of Puget Sound Energy’s Participation in the ISO Energy Imbalance Market
- WECC EDT Phase 2 EIM Benefits Analysis & Results
- What Happens in California Does Not Always Stay in California: The Effect of California’s Cap-and-Trade Program on Wholesale Electricity Prices in the Western Interconnection
- Estimating the Option Value of a Non-firm Electricity Tariff
- Benchmarking the Price Reasonableness of an Electricity Tolling Agreement
- Renewable Portfolio Standards, Greenhouse Gas Reduction, and Long-line Transmission Investments in the WECC
- How Big is the Risk Premium in an Electricity Forward Price? Evidence from the Pacific Northwest
- Chasing Grid Parity: Understanding the Dynamic Value of Renewable Energy
- Western Interconnection Flexibility Assessment
- Investigating a Higher Renewables Portfolio Standard in California: Summary
- Capacity and Flexibility Needs Under Higher Renewables
- Investigating a Higher Renewable Portfolio Standard for California: Full Report
- Wyoming Wind Costing Model
Integrated Resource Plan Support | Xcel Energy Upper Midwest, 2019
As part of its 2019 Integrated Resource Plan, Xcel Energy retained E3 to conduct two independent analyses to support its IRP: (1) an economy-wide study for the state of Minnesota examining what would be needed to meet deep decarbonization goals throughout the economy (e.g. 80% reductions by 2050); and (2) a portfolio optimization and reliability analysis for Xcel’s portfolio to examine the costs of meeting the utility’s carbon reduction goals (80% reductions by 2030; 100% carbon-free by 2050).
E3’s statewide pathways study provided Xcel with a novel perspective on future electricity loads in the context of an economy-wide carbon reduction effort, showing how decarbonization measures such as building and transportation electrification could lead to significant long-term increases in load. These findings were used to inform a sensitivity analysis conducted within Xcel’s internal IRP modeling.
E3’s portfolio and reliability analyses were conducted in parallel with Xcel’s internal work to develop a forward-looking resource plan, testing the notion that an independent expert using advanced industry-standard methods would come to similar conclusions. E3 used RECAP for sophisticated loss-of-load-probability analysis and RESOLVE for optimal capacity expansion to design reliable, least-cost portfolios to meet carbon reduction goals, ultimately corroborating the findings in Xcel’s plan.
Integrated Resource Plan Support | El Paso Electric, 2020-21
E3 provided a broad range of IRP support services for El Paso Electric (EPE) including developing resource options and data inputs, conducting a Planning Reserve Margin and ELCC study using RECAP, optimizing EPE’s portfolios over the 2021-2045 period reflecting New Mexico’s Renewables Portfolio Standard and Energy Transition Act as well as EPE’s own goal of 80% carbon reductions by 2035, studying the operability of EPE’s system under high levels of wind and solar generation, and developing regulatory strategies for cost allocation and procurement given EPE’s multi-state service area. E3 has also been heavily involved in EPE’s stakeholder outreach and communication strategy, leading multiple stakeholder workshops and contributing to a substantial improvement in EPE’s stakeholder relations.
Read the detailed project description.
Integrated Resource Plan | California Public Utilities Commission, 2021
E3 has provided comprehensive technical and advisory support to the Energy Division of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) in its administration of the state’s IRP program, mandated by the passage of SB 350 in 2016. E3 worked with CPUC staff to develop the structure of the IRP program including a three-year modeling cycle in which Staff prepares a system-wide plan that informs the California Independent System Operator (CAISO)’s annual Transmission Planning Process (TPP) and informs Load-Serving Entities integrated resource plans in alternate years.
E3 has helped the CPUC design an optimal “Preferred System Plan” for the combined utilities that incorporates the resource procurement plans of the LSEs and complies with the state’s clean energy policy requirements. In the 2020-2021 cycle, the policy requirements considered include a 60% RPS by 2030 and SB 100 by 2045, and a statewide greenhouse gas emissions target of 38 million metric tons (MMT) by 2030, while capturing the operational and reliability challenges encountered at high penetrations of variable renewable generation. E3 also supported the Energy Division’s development of a mid-term reliability order requiring the procurement of 11.5 GW of effective capacity by 2026. As part of this process, E3 evaluated dozens of scenarios reflecting alternative assumptions about load forecasts and electrification, resource costs, the availability of offshore wind and out-of-state wind, the ability of end-use loads to operate flexibly, and a variety of other input parameters.
Net Zero Carbon Pathways Study | Omaha Public Power District, 2021
To support the development of its 2021 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) engaged E3 to perform a comprehensive study on various pathways for OPPD to achieve net zero carbon by 2050. With a goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2050, OPPD sought a study to understand different pathways to achieve their target emissions, reliability, costs, and generation. E3’s study consisted of three primary phases: multi-sector modeling using the E3 PATHWAYS model to develop multiple electricity sector demand forecasts; reliability and resiliency analysis using the E3 RECAP model; and portfolio optimization using the E3 RESOLVE model to develop cost-optimal electricity portfolios that achieved both net-zero carbon and target reliability by 2050. E3 found that OPPD can achieve net zero while balancing affordability and reliability and that all net zero pathways require a cessation of coal generation and reduced use of fossil generation. A mix of new low-carbon resources including renewable energy, energy storage, and community-wide energy efficiency will be required as well as firm capacity resources, which will be needed to maintain resource adequacy.
Resource Adequacy in the Desert Southwest
In the aftermath of recent blackouts in California and Texas, the subjects of reliability and resource adequacy have risen to national prominence. Regulators and policymakers – as well as the general public and media – have taken a keen interest in these topics, and many have questioned whether the industry is adequately prepared to confront […]
Pacific Northwest Resource Adequacy Study | Pacific Northwest Utilities, 2018-19
E3 was retained by a consortium of public and private utilities in the Pacific Northwest to evaluate regional resource adequacy under a resource mix that, for both economic and public policy reasons, is transitioning toward higher levels of renewable energy and storage and away from coal. The study used E3’s RECAP model to examine the reliability of different portfolios and reliability contributions of individual resources such as wind, solar, hydro, and energy storage. The study examined both near-term (2030) and long-term (2050) systems. The results found that the Northwest region needs new capacity in the near term to meet growing loads and compensate for planned coal retirements. In the long term, E3 found that deep decarbonization could be achieved if sufficient firm capacity was retained for reliability during times of low wind, solar, and hydro generation. While wind, solar, hydro, and battery storage could provide reliability benefits to the system, replacing all carbon-emitting firm resources with these alternatives was found to be impractical due to the large overbuild required. Study sponsors included the Public Generating Pool (PGP), a consortium of publicly owned utilities in Washington and Oregon; Avista Corporation; Puget Sound Energy; and Northwestern Energy.
Long-Run Resource Adequacy Under Deep Decarbonization Pathways for California | Calpine, 2018-19
Building on E3’s prior work for the California Energy Commission, this study examines which resources will be needed to maintain resource adequacy in a future California electricity system that is deeply decarbonized and heavily dependent on renewable energy and electric energy storage to meet California’s economy-wide 2050 greenhouse gas reduction goal. Whereas E3’s previous work identified resources California should build to meet GHG and renewable energy targets, this study takes an in-depth look at electric system reliability requirements – and specifically which resources are needed to maintain acceptable long-run reliability in a cost-effective manner. After examining resource adequacy through loss-of-load-probability (LOLP) modeling across thousands of simulated years using its RECAP model, E3 found that achieving economy-wide goals does not require full decarbonization of the electricity sector and that the least-cost electricity portfolio to meet 2050 economy-wide goals includes very large quantities of solar + storage and retains 17 GW to 35 GW of firm natural gas capacity for reliability.
Investigating the Economic Value of Flexible Solar Plants
Solar power has grown rapidly around the world, driven by steep cost reductions and increasing interest in carbon-free energy. In 2017, solar power was the second-largest source of new U.S. electric generating capacity, and in each of the last five years it has accounted for more than a quarter of all U.S. capacity additions. Significant strides have […]
Study of Policies to Decarbonize Electric Sector in the Northwest I Public Generating Pool, 2017 – present
On behalf of the Public Generating Pool (PGP), a group of hydro-owning public power entities in Washington and Oregon, E3 completed a study exploring the effectiveness of a range of policy mechanisms to decarbonize the electric sector. This study used RESOLVE, E3’s optimal capacity expansion model, to develop optimized generation portfolios for the region through 2050 that capture […]
- Pacific Northwest Low Carbon Scenario Analysis – Technical Report
- Pacific Northwest Low Carbon Scenario Analysis
- Public Generating Pool_2018 Pacific NW Scenarios and Sensitivities_Final Report
- Climate Solutions_2018 Pacific NW Scenarios and Sensitivities_Final Report
- National Grid_2018 Pacific NW Scenarios and Sensitivities_Final Report
Non-wires alternatives in transmission planning | Bonneville Power Administration, 2001–present
In 2001, E3 helped Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) develop a groundbreaking transmission planning process in which we considered non-wires alternatives—energy efficiency, demand response, and distributed generation—alongside conventional investments. BPA was one of the first major transmission providers in North America to use an economic screening for every potential bulk transmission investment. Since then, we have studied non-wires alternatives for other BPA project proposals, including the Hooper Springs line in southeastern Idaho and the 500 kV I-5 corridor reinforcement project in Washington. For the latter, E3 evaluated deferral options, including energy efficiency and demand response, as well as redispatch of generators. BPA is evaluating proposals for implementation of the redispatch option, with potential savings of up to $750 million for its customers.
Modeling California’s 50 Percent Renewables Portfolio Standard
In early 2013, California’s five largest electric utilities needed to find out how grid operations would be affected if the state increased its Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) to 50 percent by 2030. They turned to E3 to examine operational and cost implications, explore how the utilities could reach the 50 percent RPS goal, and assess […]
Flexibility assessment for wind integration | Portland General Electric, 2014–15
After Oregon set renewable portfolio standard (RPS) goals of 25 percent by 2015 and 50 percent by 2040, Portland General Electric (PGE) turned to E3 to study the flexible generation capacity necessary to meet wind integration needs. Our studies considered the variability, uncertainty, and timing of renewable energy output, and we considered alternative resources such as flexible combined cycle gas turbine plants, frame and aero-derivative combustion turbines, reciprocating engines, and energy storage. Our analysis informed the resource procurement strategy in PGE’s 2016 integrated resource plan. The studies found that PGE’s need for within-hour operational flexibility is not a significant driver of the value or need for new gas resources, even at a 50 percent RPS.
Investigating a higher RPS for California | LADWP, PG&E, SMUD, SDG&E, and SCE, 2013–14
On behalf of California’s five largest electric utilities, E3 evaluated the challenges, costs, and potential solutions for achieving a 50 percent renewables portfolio standard (RPS) by 2030. Using our Renewable Energy Flexibility Model (REFLEX), we performed detailed operational studies of power system dispatch flexibility constraints under high levels of wind and solar generation. We found that achieving a 50 percent RPS is feasible and that California’s power system can remain reliable as long as renewable resources can be dispatched in response to grid needs. Our study recommended strategies for integrating higher levels of renewables, including greater regional coordination, renewables portfolio diversity, flexible generation capacity, flexible loads, and energy storage. We found that deploying these strategies would reduce the need to curtail renewables, lowering the cost of reaching 50 percent RPS.
Procurement and rate design | Lower Valley Energy, 2001–16
E3 has provided procurement and rate-making advice to Wyoming’s Lower Valley Energy (LVE) since 2001. Our long-term procurement plans have carefully addressed LVE’s need to mitigate cost increases due to changes in either market prices of energy or Bonneville Power Administration’s rates. We have also helped LVE assess the merits of different rate structures and compare the value of building generation in its own service territory with the costs of building new transmission facilities to access alternative power sources. Most recently, we provided an independent evaluation of the costs and benefits of a potential merger with a neighboring co-op utility.
Evaluating benefits of regional market participation | Multiple utilities, 2014–present
E3 has completed studies for more than 10 utilities on the costs and benefits of participating in the western energy imbalance market (EIM), a regional 5-minute balancing market that became operational in 2014. The EIM aims to lower costs for consumers and assist states in meeting renewable energy goals through more-efficient dispatch, which reduces the need to carry costly reserves and curtail renewable generation. For each study, we ran a production simulation grounded in a detailed representation of the utility’s system. Our work has informed decisions by PacifiCorp, Arizona Public Service, NV Energy, and other utilities to join the EIM, as well as Chelan County Public Utility District’s decision not to participate. Consistent with E3 findings, the California ISO estimated that participants saved more than $85 million in the 20 months after the EIM became operational. Several more studies for utilities are under way.
Modeling benefits of the Western EIM | WECC, 2011
The Western Electric Coordinating Council (WECC) engaged E3 to model the benefits of implementing an energy imbalance market (EIM) across the Western Interconnection. Working with WECC staff and many stakeholders, we modeled and compared simulated production costs for a scenario that maintained existing operational arrangements and a second scenario with a consolidated regional balancing market. The analysis found benefits from improved system dispatch, as well as from reductions in operating reserves needed to accommodate wind and solar variability. E3 devised an innovative technique to more accurately estimate the potential impact of the EIM, and pioneered applying “hurdle rates” to calibrate the GridView production simulation base case so that it more accurately reflected bidding and dispatch practices in the West. Since presenting our findings to WECC in 2011, we have developed similar EIM cost-benefit studies for 10 additional utilities.
Litigation and regulatory support for large-scale solar thermal plant development | BrightSource Energy, 2010
The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System (ISEGS) is the largest commercial solar thermal plant in the world. Built in California’s Mojave Desert by BrightSource Energy, the plant produces a maximum output of almost 400 MW and cost more than $2 billion. E3 supported its development with strategic and regulatory consulting, plant valuation, site and transmission valuation, and other services. BrightSource relied on E3’s reports and testimony to gain site permits and transmission interconnection; utilities relied on our work in signing power purchase agreements. E3 partner Arne Olson’s testimony was key to BrightSource’s successful application to the California Energy Commission (CEC) to construct the ISEGS, as opponents claimed that distributed solar photovoltaic projects would negate the need for it. Olson’s rebuttal reinforced the BrightSource proposal, and the CEC approved the site license in 2009. Construction began in 2010, and Ivanpah came online in February 2014.
Litigation: assessing solar resources value | Oregon PUC staff, 2016–17
The Oregon Public Utilities Commission (OPUC) staff retained E3 to develop a methodology for calculating the value of customer-owned solar photovoltaic resources to ratepayers of investor-owned electric utilities, with the aim of informing regulatory policy. E3 partner Arne Olson served as an expert witness on behalf of the commission staff in a litigated case before the OPUC. Our methodology received broad support from stakeholders, including utilities, environmental groups, solar industry advocates, and consumer advocates. The commission is expected to rule on the proposed methodology in early 2017.
Assessing benefits and challenges of the Western EIM
he grid in the western U.S. is a patchwork of 38 balancing authorities. Each balances its loads and resources independently, exchanging energy through bilateral trades. This inefficient system is being strained with the growing presence of variable resources such as wind and solar. In 2011, the Western Electric Coordinating Council (WECC) engaged E3 to quantify […]